Butler Flooring Services
Design by None involved
LaGrange, KY
Cedar Lake is a faith-based community that serves individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Cedar lake Lodge building layout has 4 resident wings and an administrative wing with a ped-way that all feed into a central core from different directions. Last renovated in 1989 the existing corridors, resident rooms, dining areas and lodge were VCT and the goal was to create a less institutional look with flooring that was easy to maintain. As a not-for-profit organization they were working within strict budget constraints. This was a phased project in an occupied environment with one wing and a portion of the core completed at a time. Each wing had to be completed and returned to service prior to commencing demolition in the next wing. It was critical to allow residents to return to their rooms as quickly as possible to minimize disruption of daily routine. Karndean plank was chosen for its durability and economics as well as for aesthetics. Installation with Tec Rollfast adhesive allowed immediate access to completed areas. With plank coming into the core from different directions running the length of each corridor, we were challenged to find a solution for an odd-shaped intersection. Capitalizing on the “lodge” as a gathering space we suggested a special feature that would interest residents and represent their mission while allowing us to break up the installation. The star motif centered in the main core was surrounded by planks cut into a large octagon shape in a contrasting color from the plank feeding into it from each wing. Another task was keeping this core area open during installation in order to access the nurses’ station. This presented a particular challenge since residents were overly interested in what we were doing so installation was frequently stopped in order to answer their many questions.